Saturday, January 26, 2008

Freezer Burn....

Well, after a week of snow and thaw and freeze and snow...rinse, repeat. WNC has been left a wonderland in the woods.

Friday, I went up to Barntown and had a good time doing a bit of saw work, cool feature - photos to follow, but the ground was frozen solid. (see first photo). I came back into town and did some work in BC. Now I find the saw needs some work. Well, I'll have to get back to that next week.

Today, I spent a chill morning working on things around the house. Then, I went to BC and did a gravel cruiser, even the roads were nasty and muddy. Tomorrow I find myself out at Dupont. People are saying Dupont is covered, so I think it will be a waterfall cruise kinda day. You know motor around and find some cool eye candy. Look for some photos tomorrow night, hope they come out well.

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