Monday, July 28, 2008

Bele Chere...the mustache contest....

This weekend was great, hanging out with good people and now I am winding down into work mode a bit. I spent today in Barntown. Photos soon to come, there is some great stuff on that mountain.

The weekend started in a respectable enough way taking care of some final business before settling in to a relaxed state. Saturday I went to the PAS booth at Bele Chere and attended a MUSTACHE CONTEST...Photos most certainly to come.

Yesterday was a visit to the "Green" to play around in the water on a super hot day with friends. While on the "Green" I ran into my neighbor and learned about the "bubble", when the water comes up, it comes up fast.

Now, it is time to start packing and prepping to head to Harrisonburg, VA to see Rich Edwards from IMBA and go to Chambersburg PA to build a pump track. This should be a great project. This is exactly in line with the direction of jobs I have been heading towards.

Also on the mind is the concept of being fully mobile to handle this work. It would allow me to have a fixed rate for mobilization and begin moving closer to that turnkey pricing. It would also allow me to work well, year round. As I research I will begin posting my research on truck and accoutrement. Looking to tomorrow, take care.

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