Sunday, August 31, 2008

Return to WissaPisgah

Wissahickon Park in downtown Philly is an absolutely amazing place. The park has HUGE poplar trees and a wet, dark demeanor. Yesterday the crew leader, Scott, Rich Edwards, Kevin and myself walked around in the current work site in Wissahickon. This is the third "demo" project IMBA has done in the last three years. I came here in 2006 for the first demo and it was a very cool place. I have always enjoyed the park and look forward to the coming week. Below are photos of parts of the project. The top two goal for this project are to keep the trail tread dry in a very seep laden area and to keep moisture from being able to freeze deeply on the trail surface. Here, we have a huge retaining wall built to work over top of a large rock outcropping that has water consistently seeping out of it even in this drought heavy summer. The other photo is of a dirt and rock causeway that elevate the trail out of a wetter lowland area. Today, I am going to try and ride all of the twenty mile trail system, then I want to go to the Philly art museum, but we will see how long the ride takes.

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