Tuesday, June 8, 2010


would be nice, but I have the camera in my camelback from all the great rides we did last week and it can't seem to migrate to the truck. So a little update for now, then photos when we get the chance.

We are in Stokesville VA for some work on the Narrowbakc trail system. We are performing two road to trail conversions and had our first production day yesterday. All in all things are good. We will be on this project for about ten days, then headsouth to NC for a couple weeks to wrap up a few loose ends and get the Fall scheduled.

That's it for now, just plugging away, we don't have cell reception ecept at the jobsite and when we are here we really need to be on it, so it may be a while before I can get a good post up, but watch for it, the photos are sure to be great.

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