The Virginia Creeper Trail is quite the experience, it really allowed some insight into what the "average" person enjoys on a bicycle ride, and let me tell you, this experience would be VERY hard to replicate.
We rolled into town on a Thursday afternoon to find a quaint little trail town of Damascus and then made our way up to the campground in a raging thunderstorm. The storm washed away our hopes of riding on the Iron mountain trail the next day so we decided to do a two part Creeper retreat.
Friday morning we dropped back down the mountain to ride from Damascus to the Holston River Trestle, WOW what a cool bridge. The ride was gently rolling and swept through some beautiful farms, with trail side attractions like some rapids and a few cattle right on the trail. We wrapped up our day and then headed back to the mountain to get ready for the next day of the shuttled "upper" portion of the creeper.
17 miles all pretty much downhill at a 1% - 2% grade. That is criteria number one for getting the average American having fun on a bicycle. Beautiful cascading mountain trout stream as your riding companion most of the way, that would be punch number two. Finally, a few amazing bridges and quaint little whistle stops complete the package. All in all there is more thought about this trail than I will be able to put on this blog, so be sure to ask for stories the next time you see us.
We finished the day happy and then I went and fished that same river and managed to catch two beautiful trout before getting back up to camp. Now, we are back in Asheville for a week while getting everything organized to make the great trip South, then West.
Blog posts to come will probably involve lots of riding and general good times. Enjoy the week!